

VR & AR: Transforming the Fintech Landscape

This was originally published as a New Insights article on 12th January 2024 exclusively for 11:FS Pulse users on the Pulse platform. Given this week's news tha...

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5 fintechs to watch in the Middle East

The financial services sector in the Middle East has seen a surge in both innovation and investment in recent years, showing signs that 2024 will be a big year ...

3min read

Article — Retail banking

Fintech will unlock the true essence of Islamic finance

3min read

Article — Payments

PSD3 is an innovation red herring

It’s not often that we see regulation pre-empting innovation – rarer still to see it drive innovation forward.

3min read


What does legacy really mean?

We’re now a week on from one of the most exciting events of the year for us; the 11:FS Awards. It’s the one (and only) time we get dressed up snazzy and come to...

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Your community has to be at the heart of everything you do

I don’t know if I think about the Roman Empire every day, but awards submissions? I can’t seem to escape them.

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Article — Retail banking

The rise of the NeoTrust: making dying less expensive

Death. It's inevitable. It's also a financial nightmare most don't see coming. But what if you could save tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars during t...

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Article — Business banking

How crypto can change SMB banking, now

3min read

Article — Retail banking

Where's the retail banking revolution?

4min read