

The future of AI in finance doesn't look like ChatGPT

The AI revolution is reshaping financial services with the force of a category-five hurricane. The seismic shifts it’s creating are palpable, with generative AI...

3min read

Article — Retail banking

Fintech will unlock the true essence of Islamic finance

3min read

Article — Payments

PSD3 is an innovation red herring

It’s not often that we see regulation pre-empting innovation – rarer still to see it drive innovation forward.

3min read


How the financial services sector can win the war for tech talent

As financial services continues to ride the digital transformation wave, there is a big problem emerging: recruiting the tech talent required to achieve the sca...

4min read

Article — Retail banking

The rise of the NeoTrust: making dying less expensive

4min read

Article — Retail banking

Where's the retail banking revolution?

We were promised that fintech disruptors were going to revolutionise banking and sweep away the legacy players forever. So, what happened?

4min read

Article — Payments

Do you really want to offer alternative payment methods?

In today's globalized business environment, the discussion around offering alternative payment methods (APMs) to end users continues to grow. APMs can provide ...

3min read


ChatGPT can revolutionise customer support and financial literacy across the globe

ChatGPT is unavoidable. Everyone has an opinion on it, but we haven’t yet scratched the surface of what it could unleash for financial services. Big banks are ...

3min read

Article — Investment management

Chase UK could massacre the competition this year

3min read