Insurtech Insider Episode 21: Health Insurance

45min listen

Insurtech Insider Episode 21: Health Insurance

On the latest episode of Insurtech Insider, Sarah sits down with Luca Schnettler and Ari Zadikov to discuss all things Health Insurance. Sarah also has a great interview with Yashish Dahiya at MoneyConf in June.

Sarah Kocianski is back in the hosting seat this week, joined by guests Luca Scnettler, CEO of HealthyHealth and Ari Zadkov, Head of Technical Marketing, Vitality Health.

We kick things off with a roundtable discussion on the challenges facing the health insurance industry at the moment. How technology is changing the health insurance industry, how it works for pre-existing conditions, how to companies choose what they will and won’t pay out for, and how that affects consumers. We also discuss the cheaper products available to consumers and if they have any relevance at all compared to fuller coverage and where the future of the health insurance industry lies in terms of what impact new technologies will have on it.

Sarah also met with Yashish Dahiya, CEO and Co-Founder of PolicyBazaar at MoneyConf earlier in June to discuss things further.

This episode of Insurtech Insider was produced by Laura Watkins and edited by Holly Blaxill.

Special Guests: Ari Zadikov, Luca Schnettler, and Yashish Dahiya.