127. Insights: What could open insurance look like?

53min listen

127. Insights: What could open insurance look like?


Benjamin Ensor and David M. Brear are joined by a panel of guests from Bright Blue Hare and Swiss Re Solutions to talk through what open insurance could look like. All this and much, much more on today's Insurtech Insider!

Benjamin Ensor and David M. Brear are joined by some fantastic guests to discuss open insurance.

Open banking has been at the forefront of news over the last couple of years, and for good reason - it has affected the wider financial services industry massively in recent years. However, what does that mean for insurtech and the insurance industry more generally, and what could open insurance look like?

Join us while we explore what open insurance could mean, what the opportunities and challenges are in this field, and what kind of developments we hope to see in the near future!

Joining us today:

  • Shân Millie, Founder of Bright Blue Hare, & Co-founder of Delegated Authority specialists, GreenKite Associates
  • Jillian Badanes, Lead Product & Propositions Development, Americas at Swiss Re Solutions

All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider!

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Special Guests: Jillian Badanes and Shân Millie.