Why we partnered with Google
So. We’ve partnered with Google. Hasn’t everyone? Well, for us this is more than a press release. Sure, 11:FS Foundry is already hosted on Google Cloud Platform...
3min read
Strangling the big ball of mud
5min read
Why should banks join the cloud?
Henry Ford owned the plants that manufactured rubber, glass, and steel to build the Ford Model T. Now car companies have a network of specialist suppliers of gl...
5min read
The Cult of the Legacy Core Banking System Migration
A banker keen to stay under the radar has written us an insider’s perspective on the TSB scandal. Going by the topical pseudonym of ‘The Stigcumbent’, who you m...
5min read
Microsoft Partners with 11:FS
5min read
Rishi Khosla, CEO - on OakNorth's deep roots and big ambitions
Jason Bates interviewed Rishi Khosla, CEO of OakNorth for Fintech Insider, the under the radar fintech unicorn in the SME lending space. They discuss OakNorth...
5min read