605. Insights: Looking ahead to the future of fintech in UAE

42min listen

605. Insights: Looking ahead to the future of fintech in UAE


Benjamin Ensor and Tristan Brandt are joined by some great guests, from Fintech Galaxy, ZAND and Souqalmal, to explore the landscape of financial services in the United Arab Emirates!

Our expert hosts, Benjamin Ensor and Tristan Brandt, are joined by some great guests to delve into the fintech landscape in UAE.

The Middle East is home to a number of exciting fintech companies and the UAE has rapidly established itself as a leading hub for fintech startups in the region.

So, today we’re talking about how things look in 2022, what challenges there are to overcome, and what’s next for one of the region’s hottest fintech ecosystems.

This week's guests include:

  • Mirna Sleiman, Co-founder, Fintech Galaxy
  • Olivier Crespin, Co-founder and CEO, ZAND
  • Ambareen Musa, CEO of Souqalmal

This episode is sponsored by Fintech Meetup.
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Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology and financial services. It’s hosted by a rotation of 11:FS experts including David M. Brear, Simon Taylor, Jason Bates and Gwera Kiwana, as well as a range of brilliant guests. We cover the latest global news, bring you interviews from industry experts or take a deep dive into subject matters such as APIs, AI or digital banking.

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Special Guests: Ambareen Musa, Mirna Sleiman, Olivier Crespin, and Tristan Brandt.