123. Insights: What is the future for brokers?

47min listen

123. Insights: What is the future for brokers?


Nigel Walsh and John Bean are joined by a fantastic guest from Hubb to talk through what the future for brokers might look like in today's insurance space. All this and much, much more on today's Insurtech Insider!

Nigel Walsh and John Bean are joined by a fantastic guest to talk about insurance brokers. We’ll be taking a look at what they do and when they’re needed, explore some more of the in and outs of the role in the current landscape, and then turn to look at what their future looks like. Will technology erase the need for them, or will it simply force them to change and adapt?

Joining us today:

  • Mark Costello, CEO of Hubb

All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider!

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Special Guest: Mark Costello.