Ep236 – Hangover Deep

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Ep236 – Hangover Deep

In this episode The day after the 11:FS birthday bash, we get hangover deep on FinTech Insider News – misquoting […]

In this episode

The day after the 11:FS birthday bash, we get hangover deep on FinTech Insider News – misquoting American presidents and everything when discussing the U.S. Congress’ decision to let ISPs sell your web browsing history to anyone without permission.

“What’s interesting is that Facebook and Google, and especially Apple, have been pushing back on government requests for data quite publicly – and probably quite a bit more, privately.” Simon says. “Whereas the ISPs weren’t. The ISPs’ selling point here is, ‘Well, we’ve been selling you data forever on everything you want to see, give us this access and you’ll get to see everything you want to see on a terrorism standpoint.’ There’s an Abraham Lincoln quote, and I’m going to butcher it, but it’s something like, ‘If It’s liberty or security, I’d take liberty every single day,’ and I’d be willing to sacrifice a little bit of security for it. We seem to have lost that, in society, to a certain degree.”

Give us liberty or give us death (just to throw another American patriot into the mix).


Joining us for this week’s analysis of the news:

News this week

  1. Reuters – Financial institutions risk 24 percent revenue loss from FinTech: PwC – Link
  2. Finextra – FCA vows to tackle fraud on lost and stolen contactless cards – Link
  3. The Asian Age – Hackers use ‘disappearing malware,’ steal $800,000 from ATMs – Link
  4. Quartz – Set up a VPN in 10 minutes for free – and yes, Americans urgently need one, thanks to Congress – Link
  5. The Next Web – Amazon Cash eliminates need for bank cards – Link
  6. Finextra – Visa and top UK banks get behind launch of Amazon Business – Link
  7. TechCrunch – WhatsApp will reportedly launch peer-to-peer payments in India within 6 months – Link
  8. PYMNTS – Moblie wallet adoption: whare are we 2.5 years in? – Link
  9. Computer – OCBC Bank uses AI-powered chatbot to answer home and renovation loan queries – Link
  10. The Register – Banking group denied access to iPhones’ NFC chips for alt.Apple.Pay – Link
  11. YouTube – Louis Cole – Bank Account Song – Link

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