225. Rotten to the Core Banking
In this episode Technology is failing banking. Bankers know what a great customer experience should look like, but they’re often prevented from delivering on that due to ancient […]
In this episode
Technology is failing banking. Bankers know what a great customer experience should look like, but they’re often prevented from delivering on that due to ancient legacy systems. And as long as they operate in a cobbled environment with 1,000 subsystems, they will never have a truly digital bank. Meaning they can’t compete with the banks that will win in the future. But don’t despair. Our guests discuss the steps to take to create a state-of-the-art core banking system that can deliver next-gen solutions.
Our guests
Mark Warrick, Director of Creative & Design at Thought Machine
Ben Robinson, Chief Strategy Officer at Temenos
Conor Fennelly, CEO at Leveris
“The nature of this problem is systemic, it’s not symptomatic,” Conor says. “Banks are not afraid to invest in their technology. In fact, they invest massively in technology. The real issue is that it’s not effective spend, and the real problem facing most CEOs or boardrooms in banks is the risk associated with making the move.
“Banks are not monolithic systems, they’re made up of hundreds of subsystems. If you want to make a change in those subsystems, you’ve got to regress your testing through the entire environment. That’s the reason why 80% of your cost is in running the bank, and only 20% can be in change. In fact, it’s probably more exaggerated than that. If you want to make a change, you’ve got to build an architecturally superior system.”
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