Ep136 – Leda Glyptis, Banking & FinTech Legend
Leda Glyptis (@LedaGlyptis) should be first on your list for any dinner party. Full of wit and wisdom, this banking and […]
Leda Glyptis (@LedaGlyptis) should be first on your list for any dinner party. Full of wit and wisdom, this banking and fintech legend always takes conversations to the next
level. We talk to her about APIs and open banking, the aftermath of Brexit, PSD2, the golden rule she lives by and more.
“APIs are creating a Harry Potter moment,” Leda says. “For a long time, a lot of technology was not permitted for use in banks. Now, we can redesign what we do because new things are possible. It’s absolutely inspirational.”
Enjoy the interview! If you like FinTech Insider, you’d make our week by leaving us a review on iTunes.
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The post Ep136 – Leda Glyptis, Banking & FinTech Legend appeared first on 11:FS.