115. Nordic FinTech: Thor the Win

1h13 listen

115. Nordic FinTech: Thor the Win

In this episode FinTech is heating up in the Nordics, where 11:FS’s Chris Skinner chairs the Nordic Finance Innovation Group. The region is punching […]

In this episode

FinTech is heating up in the Nordics, where 11:FS’s Chris Skinner chairs the Nordic Finance Innovation Group. The region is punching above its weight in terms of innovation (Spotify and Skype, anyone?).

You’ll hear interviews from Iren Tranvåg (@IrenTranvaag) – CEO at Nordic Finance Innovation; Søren Rode Andreasen (@RodeAndreasen) – Development Director for Core Banking at Danske Bank Group; Jarkko Turunen (@jarkkoturunen) – Head of Open Banking at Nordea; and Sergii Danylenko, Marketing Director at PrivatBank. We’re also joined by FinTech journalist Anna Irrera (@annairrera).

News this week

  1. Finextra – The bank of the future will be invisible Link
  2. Reuters – Blockchain platform developed by banks to be open-source Link
  3. Coindesk – Hopes Are High Tomorrow’s Ethereum Fork Won’t Be Like the Last Link
  4. Finextra – New EU rules could cost UK firms £122bn in cybersecurity fines – PCI SSC Link
  5. Economist – Hide and seek: Bangladesh’s missing millions Link
  6. Forbes – Survey On Consumer Attitudes Toward Fintech Spells Trouble For Banks Link
  7. Quartz – Twitter fired its new VR manager because of something he posted to Facebook years ago Link
  8. The Nordic Web – The Q3 2016 Nordic Exit Analysis Link

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The post Ep115 – Nordic FinTech: Thor the Win appeared first on 11FS.

The post Ep115 – Nordic FinTech: Thor the Win appeared first on 11:FS.