32. Jameson Lopp, the Market be down but Enterprise is up

1h25 listen

32. Jameson Lopp, the Market be down but Enterprise is up

In this episode, Simon, Colin and guest Sara Feenan dissect the week's news and we have a fantastic interview from Jameson Lopp!

In this episode, Simon, Colin and guest Sara Feenan dissect the week's news and we have a fantastic interview from Jameson Lopp!

Kicking off with the biggest story of the... year?
The market be down: prices have tumbled 50% from all time highs, is this a disaster or must what goes up, always come back down?
Lloyds have banned customers buying bitcoin on credit cards. Is this sensible or over-protecting of customers, and also protecting themselves? Colin and Sara say you should never buy crypto on credit card, for the risks involved, never invest your money if you don't have it in the first place - the price falling shows how much people can lose.

They also talk regulation as the SEC and the CFTC begin to give testimony, the State of Wyoming tries to ring fence token sales out of securities law, and Canadian regulators approve their first Blockchain ETF.

Does the Wired article "The Big ICO Swindle" mean the tech purists have turned their back on ICOs? Colin thinks no one has every done anything meaningful from an ICO, excepting Ethereum. Can you think of any examples? @Bchaininsider if so.

GSass is back with a vengeance when it comes to the Puerto Rico "bitcoin bros" in their crypto "utopia', Colin does not hold back his opinions on this one!

Additionally, one of Colin's 2018 predictions seems to be coming into fruition as Enterprise blockchain finally seems to be breaking out, and everyone is very enthusiastic about this, are the tools developers have been working on finally coming to the fore?

And finally UNICEF asks PC gamers to mine Ethereum and donate to Syrian children - while well meaning, is anyone actually doing this? The team discuss.

We also speak to Jameson Lopp, a massive presence in the Bitcoin and Blockchain world, software engineer at BitGo, creator of statoshi.info and founder of bitcoinsig.com.

We hope you enjoy the show and, as ever, don't forget to subscribe.
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Special Guests: Jameson Lopp and Sara Feenan.
