256. Insights: PensionBee takeover
On this special episode, we're buzzing to be taken over by PensionBee. At their offices on Southwark street, we're with some of the top tier of PensionBee's team to bring you an insight into pensions.
Simon and Sam are with Romi Savova, CEO of PensionBee, Jasper Martens, CMO of PensionBee and Jonathan Lister Parsons, CTO of PensionBee.
We're bringing you an insight into the pensions landscape, how regions outside of London are affecting pensions, the impact of open banking and gender imbalances in saving, as well as how financial education can increase savings.
We also talk to PensionBee about their 'battle' with the incumbents of the pension industry as well as how pensions can evolve in the future.
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This episode was produced by Laura Watkins and edited by Michael Bailey
Special Guests: Jasper Martens, Jonathan Lister Parsons, and Romi Savova.