Ep. 230. 11:FS Presents One Fintech Nation - Fintech for Good

34min listen

Ep. 230. 11:FS Presents One Fintech Nation - Fintech for Good

In this episode Sarah takes a look at how fintech in the UK is making positive changes for all kinds of people. In association with Tech Nation we examine what real problems fintech is solving for customers across the country.

Today's insights show shines a light on how fintech is making the world a better place.

We want to talk about what makes the UK fintech scene so useful for solving real problems that affect the lives of so many people.
We’re going to be taking a look at how customer-centricity helps fintechs cater better to their customers to ensure they have access to better services, and the impact financial education can have on financial inclusion and literacy.

Fantastic insights are given by fintech experts who are working across the UK to bring fintech to those who need it most:

  • Greg Michel, Fintech Lead at Tech Nation
  • Anish Kapoor, CEO of AccessPay
  • Jonathan Hollow, Head of Financial Capability, Strategy and Innovation at the Money Advice Service.
  • Richard Theo, CEO and founder of Wealthify
  • Stephen Ingledew, CEO of Fintech Scotland
  • Dr Sue Black, OBE
  • Virraj Jatania, CEO and founder of Pockit

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Special Guests: Anish Kapoor, Dr. Sue Black, Gregoire Michel, Jonathan Hollow, Richard Theo, Stephen Ingledew, and Virraj Jatania.

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