228. 11:FS Presents One Fintech Nation - The UK as a Fintech Hotspot
In this episode Simon Taylor takes a look at what makes the UK a fintech hotspot. In association with Tech Nation we examine what's going on in fintech across the country that makes it so attractive to set up here.
Today's insights show shines a light on what makes the UK fintech scene so unique.
Fantastic insights are given by fintech experts who are working across the UK and influencing regulation in the fintech space:
- Frank Jan Risseeuw, CEO of Yolt
- Greg Michel, Fintech Lead at Tech Nation
- John Glen, MP
- Rajesh Agrawal, Deputy Mayor of London
- Eileen Burbidge, Chair at Tech Nation and Partner at Passion Capital
- Anthony Lesoismier, CSO and Co-founder at Swissborg
- Vince Howard, Head of Marketing at Swissborg
We want to talk about what makes the UK fintech scene the home of so many success stories.
We’re going to be taking a look at the unique UK regulatory environment and why so many international players are keen to come to the country to invest in fintech.
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Special Guests: Anthony Lesoismier, Eileen Burbidge, Frank Jan Risseeuw , Gregoire Michel, John Glen, Rajesh Agrawal, and Vince Howard.
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- Tech Nation: Tech Nation believes the UK is the best place in the world to start and grow a digital business.Tech Nation is expanding their network of growth programmes, events, skills and data resources to reach all corners and clusters of the UK. Their newly launched Fintech programme is aimed at company founders. Through a 24 hour induction, series of in-depth learning sessions, networking events and a three-day international showcase trip, you'll become part of the very first Tech Nation Fintech cohort. Insights sessions will be delivered by some of the most established fintech entrepreneurs, investors and partners, who will cover topics such as regulation, partnering with banks and expanding internationally. Find out more here: https://technation.io/programmes/fintech/