Ep. 226. 11:FS Presents One Fintech Nation - Bursting the London Fintech Bubble

38min listen

Ep. 226. 11:FS Presents One Fintech Nation - Bursting the London Fintech Bubble

In this episode Simon Taylor takes a look at fintech beyond the London bubble. In association with Tech Nation we examine what's going on in fintech across the country.

Today's insights show shines a light on the regional fintech spaces across the UK.

Fantastic insights are given by fintech experts who are working successfully outside of London and making waves in the fintech space:

  • Lisa Wood, CMO at Atom, the challenger bank based in Durham, in North East England
  • Chris Sier, Fintech Envoy for the North of England
  • James Varga, CEO and Co-founder of the ID Company, based in Edinburgh
  • Richard Theo, CEO and Co-founder of Wealthify, based in Cardiff, and newly appointed Fintech Envoy for Wales
  • Virraj Jatania, CEO and founder of Pockit
  • Paul Rippon, Deputy CEO at Monzo

We want to burst the London fintech bubble and talk about UK fintech successes across the whole country.
We’re going to be taking a look at the under the radar success stories across the UK, particularly those outside of the behemoth of the London bubble.

We hope you enjoyed the show! Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode, and follow Fintech Insider on Twitter or Facebook.

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Special Guests: Chris Sier, Gregoire Michel, James Varga, Lisa Wood, Paul Rippon, Richard Theo, and Virraj Jatania.

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