207. News: Instant Gratification

56min listen

207. News: Instant Gratification

In this week’s news episode David M. Brear and Sarah Kocianski are joined by guests Lucy Woolfenden from Yolt and Pol Navarro from TSB. We also have a great interview with Alex Park from Metro Bank.

David and Sarah sit down with Lucy Woolfenden, Marketing Director at Yolt, Pol Navarro, Digital Innovation Director and Sarah meets with Alex Park, Digital Director at Metro Bank.

Sarah takes the panel through the latest interesting and amusing stories from the fintech world, including Ant Financial’s $150 billion valuation, Revolut launching Vaults, and The One Where Ross Got Mistaken for a Banker.

All this and so much more on this Monday episode of Fintech Insider!

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Special Guests: Alex Park, Lucy Woolfenden, and Pol Navarro.
