191. Interview: Aneesh Varma, CEO - Aire
Simon Taylor speaks to Aneesh Varma, CEO and founder of Aire.
Aneesh founded Aire in January 2014, inspired by his inability to access credit as a migrant in London. Aneesh has a background in risk (Morgan Stanley), analytics (Credit Suisse) and M&A (J.P. Morgan). In 2008, Aneesh founded FabriQate, a mobile customer experience engine helping clients to predict user behaviour.
Aire are researching and building a new credit algorithm that helps customers to access an alternative credit score. The app tackles financial inclusion by aiming to provide credit access for customers who are unable to build a credit score. Simon asked Aneesh how their credit model uses alternative data and what their sources are.
They also discussed their ambitious long term strategy - to change the way we look at credit and ensure everyone has appropriate access to credit - but how do they go about achieving such a huge aim? Aneesh also talks us through some of their research projects and collaborations.
The big topic is also financial inclusion and Aneesh tells us why that's so close to his heart and what other social issues technology will affect in the coming months and years.
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