774. Insights: How are financial services players using blockchain?

53min listen

774. Insights: How are financial services players using blockchain?


David Brear is joined by some great guests from Fireblocks, DigitalX and Moniflo to talk about how financial services are actually using blockchain technology and how they choose an option that works best for them.

In this show, in association with Fireblocks, David Brear is finding out how “tradFi” is actually using blockchain and the real world use cases emerging in market.

We’ve put together a panel of amazing experts to discuss:

  • How do you decide what blockchain solution might work for you?
  • How do you go about building it?
  • What does success look like in this space?

This week's guests include:

  • Michael Shaulov, CEO, Fireblocks
  • Lisa Wade, CEO, DigitalX
  • Ala Presenti, Co-Founder and Head of Finance, Moniflo

**This episode is sponsored by Fireblocks.
Fireblocks is an enterprise-grade platform delivering a secure infrastructure for moving, storing, and issuing digital assets. Fireblocks enables exchanges, lending desks, custodians, banks, asset managers and fintechs to securely scale digital asset operations through the Fireblocks Network and MPC-based Wallet Infrastructure. Fireblocks serves over 1,800 financial institutions, has secured the transfer of over $4 trillion in digital assets and has a unique insurance policy that covers assets in storage & transit. 
For more information, please visit www.fireblocks.com.

Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to all things finance, banking, technology, and financial services.

Our expert hosts, with real industry experience, are joined by the biggest leader, decision-makers, VCs, and reporters from across financial services including guests from Visa, Nubank, M-Pesa, Techcrunch, Starling, and JP Morgan Chase to discuss the latest news, developments, and trends within the industry.

Our weekly news show drops every Monday and tackles the biggest news stories, from acquisitions and launches, to regulatory changes and innovation. Then, every Friday our Insights show dives deeper into the hottest topics shaping the industry like web3 and BNPL.

Whether you’re already immersed in the world of financial services, or just keen to learn more, this is the #1 podcast for you.

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Special Guests: Ala Presenti, Jeff Kelisky , Lisa Wade, and Michael Shaulov.