754. Insights: How do we get to the holy grail of cross border payments?

44min listen

754. Insights: How do we get to the holy grail of cross border payments?


David M. Brear is joined by some great guests, from Citi and JP Morgan, to delve into the developments, friction, and potential future of cross-border payments.

Our expert hosts, David M. Brear, is joined by some great guests to ask: "“How do we get to the holy grail of cross border payments?”

This week's guests include:

  • Sara Castelhano, EMEA Payments & Commerce Solutions Product, JP Morgan
  • William Artingstall, Global Co-Head Cross Border Payments and Receivables, Citi

Cheap, universal, speedy, and secure – is that too much to ask for when moving money internationally?

Moving money across the world is one of the biggest spaces in financial services and just keeps getting bigger. But, there’s still lots of issues and technical challenges still to overcome – even for the biggest players in the market.

We've put together a panel of experts to discuss: the progresss made in cross-border payments to date, where the friction remains, and the next steps towards the holy grail of seamless cross border payments!

Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology and financial services. It’s hosted by a rotation of 11:FS experts including David M. Brear, Ross Gallagher, Benjamin Ensor, and Kate Moody - as well as a range of brilliant guests. We cover the latest global news, bring you interviews from industry experts or take a deep dive into subject matters such as APIs, AI or digital banking.

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Special Guests: Sara Castelhano and William Artingstall.