722. Insights: How do you choose the right investment path for your business?

40min listen

722. Insights: How do you choose the right investment path for your business?


David M. Brear is joined by some great guests, from Stonehaven LLC, National Bank of Canada, and Anthemis, to discuss the various funding options for fintechs and startups.

Our expert host, David M. Brear, is joined by some great guests to ask: "How do you choose the right investment path for your business?"

This week's guests include:

  • David T Frank, CEO & Founder, Stonehaven LLC
  • Joshuah Lebacq, Director at NA Ventures, National Bank Of Canada
  • Ruth Foxe Blader, Partner, Anthemis

Investment has been the rocket fuel in the jetpack of fintech’s success to date.

But it might be time for fintechs to think strategically about where and who signs the cheques which help them to grow.

So, in this show, we’ve put together a panel of amazing experts to discuss how investment looks in 2023, how to choose the right path, and how investors maintain a relationship.

Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology and financial services. It’s hosted by a rotation of 11:FS experts including David M. Brear, Ross Gallagher, Benjamin Ensor, and Kate Moody - as well as a range of brilliant guests. We cover the latest global news, bring you interviews from industry experts or take a deep dive into subject matters such as APIs, AI or digital banking.

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Special Guests: David T Frank, Joshuah Lebacq, and Ruth Foxe-Blader.