649. Insights: Is the future of investment active or passive?

44min listen

649. Insights: Is the future of investment active or passive?


Gwera Kiwana is joined by some great guests, from Plum, Lightyear and Freetrade, to debate what the future of retail investment might look like.

Our expert host, Gwera Kiwana, is joined by some great guests to ask: 'is the future of investment active or passive?'

Younger generations flipped the stock exchange on its head with fintech delivering the power of Wall Street to the palm of their hands.

But while many young investors were energised, the economic downturn has potentially shown the importance of long-term investments after all.

So: is the future of investment taking the bull by the horns and doing things entirely yourself, or is passing your money over to AI algorithms the better method in the long run?

This week's guests include:

  • Rajan Lakhani, Head of PR, Plum
  • Martin Sokk, CEO, Lightyear
  • Dan Lane, Manager, Investment Writing, Freetrade

Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology and financial services. It’s hosted by a rotation of 11:FS experts including David M. Brear, Simon Taylor, Jason Bates and Gwera Kiwana, as well as a range of brilliant guests. We cover the latest global news, bring you interviews from industry experts or take a deep dive into subject matters such as APIs, AI or digital banking.

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Special Guests: Dan Lane, Martin Sokk, and Rajan Lakhani.