298. Insights: The future of cloud
Sam Maule spoke to an incredible list of guests in this bumper episode to explore the far-reaching effects of Cloud for business.
Sam Maule talks to AWS, Raifeissen Bank, Broadridge, FICO and Liberty Mutual on how Cloud is the new normal, moving to product and development cycles to Cloud in a matter of days rather than quarters and how capital markets and major banks are driving forwards Cloud adoption.
Agility tends to be the main theme behind Cloud adoption and integration but no-one's underestimating the human component. Technology might be a huge factor in financial services but people are the ones who ultimately drive these companies forwards and need to be trained in how to use the technology.
Sam talks to companies that have been doing Machine Learning for decades and discusses the issues in coming to the game too early as well as too late.
Our guests also talk about how to create a new level of security using data, why failing fast is terrible and how juggling 85 balls at a time means individuals only have 5% of their work week to deal with what they should be doing.
We have some amazing guests including:
- Scott Mullins, Head of Worldwide FS Business Development at AWS
- Claus Moldt, CIO at FICO
- Laurence Thiery, Head of Financial Services, Asia at AWS
- Phil Moyer, Managing Director of the Financial Services for the Americas at AWS
- Jonathan Allen, Enterprise Strategist and Evangelist at AWS
- Megan Caywood, was Chief Platform Officer at Starling Bank at time of recording, now Managing Director at Barclays
- Martin Dow, Engineer at Starling Bank
- Rob Krugman, Chief Digital Officer at Broadridge
- John Heveran CIO of Global Risk Solutions at Liberty Mutual
- Gerhard Froehlich, Group Product Owner at Raiffeisen Bank International
- Vladimir Simunovic, Deputy Group CTO at Raiffeisen Bank International
Thank you to AWS for inviting us to AWS re:Invent 2018.
We hope you enjoy the show and, as ever, don't forget to subscribe!
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This episode was produced by Laura Watkins and Petrit Berisha. Recorded by Michael Bailey and edited by Alex Woodhouse.
Cloud is a vital way to transform your business for the modern age, tap here to find out how to do it with AWS.
Special Guests: Claus Moldt, Gerhard Froehlich, John Heveran, Jonathan Allen, Laurence Thiery, Martin Dow, Megan Caywood, Philip Moyer, Rob Krugman, Scott Mullins, and Vladimir Simunovic.