120. Insights: How can we build a transformative and inclusive future for insurance?

57min listen

120. Insights: How can we build a transformative and inclusive future for insurance?


Nigel Walsh and John Bean are joined by a panel of guests from Innovate Finance and FinPro to talk through culture in insurance. All this and much, much more on today's Insurtech Insider!

Nigel Walsh and John Bean are joined by a panel of fantastic guests to talk through all things culture in insurance. Culture is a very wide topic and can cover a variety of lenses: the culture of innovation, the move towards a digital culture, social culture, which is a topic that we have covered here on the podcast quite a lot - especially with our recent ESG podcast, and many more cultural lenses. Culture in insurance has a bad rep, and for good reason with recemt press reports, but it might not be all bad with lots of good work happening across the industry.

So join us while we try to figure out what is currently going on, and how we can build a transformative and inclusive future.

Joining us today:

  • Lou Smith, Chair of the Board at Innovate Finance
  • Alex Bond, Founder at FinPro and host of the Leadership in Insurance podcast

All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider!

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Special Guests: Alex Bond and Lou Smith.