AI in Banking: We got it wrong. Bank customers should be talking to a something not a someone. - 11FS

 David M. Brear photo
David M. Brear Co-Founder & CEO
5min read

“Hey Siri – Are you the bank of the future?”… “No comment, David” – Sometimes when someone says no comment that means no but when the thing saying it is a computer assistant then “no comment” means someone has taken the time to think about it and decide upon a snarky comment rather than nothing at all!

For years AI has been a good idea without real world application or the processing power, connectivity or interface intelligence to maximize the opportunity. In the last 6 months, and ever increasingly, those restrictions are being removed unlocking huge potential.

 David M. Brear
About the author

David M. Brear

David is the CEO of 11:FS and since his dream of being a sportsperson was crushed (along with the ligaments in his knee!) and he had to get a proper job. He has worked in pretty much every angle of the financial services industry but never lost that competitive desire to win.